Thank you to all of our Sunburst Truck Lines employees who joined in feeding the children of Houston with Kids’ Meals which provided lunch for over 200 preschoolers.
Our goal is to give back to the community at large and, specifically, to the neighborhoods where we work in an ongoing effort to help the friends, family, and neighbors of the drivers who are the key to making this company successful through our Sunburst Cares program. We would also like to extend a special thank you to Jamie Hampton of More Than The Move foundation for setting this event up and allowing us to be a part of the solution.
Not only were we able to make a small impact on the lives of these kids, but their families and the community as a whole. We firmly believe that by giving back to our local community, we can encourage others through our actions to give back as well.
To learn more or to volunteer in your local Houston community, please visit